Friday, August 12, 2011

What to wear to a summer Wedding.................Congrats to my Girl Kitra!!!!

Hey HAWTies, I'm sitting hear at my desk thinking about what to wear to one my of goodest ( yep I typed it!) friend ever Kitra's wedding tomorrow afternoon. Normally I am the person that like to wear what she feels for that day whatever feeling I'm feeling that day, but that type of styling isn't going to work , for one I'm already HAPPY for them both, (her future husband has been a friend of ours for years before they got together, love them both) so the feeling is already there, plus their colors are blue & turquoise so I want to coordinate with that as well. I really haven't been to that many weddings in my life so when I get invited to one I like to look my best. I will post pics of the last wedding I attend about a month back for my Ex father-in -law, you would have sworn I was apart of the wedding party I was so on point with my colors & dress. But this is a Summer outdoor wedding so its a little different. 

Well I don't know the In's and outs of summer weddings & I will not sit here & act like I do. But I do know style so here are some looks that I came up with, I don't have any of these dress but the look is what I will try to copy today after work when I go shopping for my dress. So type to me & let me know what you all think HAWTies, I will post what I wear at a later time.

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