Hey HAWTies, !!! I survived 2 days of jury duty & I'm so excited about it, my last go with jury duty didn't go so well, but this time I was spared!!!! LOL but I have something to share with you all.........
Well my first day of Jury duty I had nothing to do while we waited,, which I was pissed at myself for because I forgot my book & my phone charger so I picked up a few magazines I plopped in a corner & updated myself on last years info, since all the mags were from last year LOL. I picked up the People & was intrigued my the cover, SMA- sexiest man alive list for 2010. I already know that everyone idea of sexy is different so I'm not expecting to see any of my fellas on the list but I still wanted to know who made it. Man I was shocked merely by who made it to see that there were very few men of color. They only had Will Smith & Drake on the list...............That was it! I'm thinking to myself really!! FOR REALS! that's it. Then they broke it down my age & this is how that went.....
20's- Bruno Mars & Matt Kemp, Now Bruno is a sexy little thang so I don't mind him on the list & Matt is cute as well but I feel the only reason he made it was cause of Rhianna, HAWTies please tell me y'all ain't thinking the same cuz I cant think of anything great he did last year........ EXACTLY
30's- Boris Kodjoe, he was the only one in this age group & I'm not going to disagree with this one at all cuz he's been sexy time...very nice (Borat voice)
40's- Rick Fox, Seal & Blair Underwood, OK this is just craziness, I don't give 2 flying fucks if Seal is married to Heidi, that fool is UGLY period, maybe a nice soul but that ain't really sexy (it is, but that still ain't going to raise his status) Rick & Blair they can both get a pass, Blair is very over rated for me personally.
50's- Mario Van Peebles, now this pissed me off, where in the HELL is Denzel...... Mario is alright, not really my cup of tea but I can see on why they put him there.
So from there I went on to read that Denzel was the only man of color to ever get the top #1 spot & that was back in 1993 or so ( I couldn't find my notes, I didn't wanna take a mag from the courthouse,that's technically stealing...RIGHT!) and that's a bunch of BS, I mean Damn is sexy only WHITE men!! This list has been around for at least 2 decades now & only 1. SMH @ PEOPLE!
I wonder who is in charge of this list & how they determined of what they think is sexy. Do they a a wide variety of races & do men vote on the sexist men? Really I would like to know, is there a lady on the panel with a ton of cats & watches romantic comedies every nite or maybe even a professional gold digger that only finds money sexy. I could go on HAWTies you know that but it really bothers me that men of color don't get recognized for their beauty & swagger, So I decided to put my own DAMN list together just for the fun of it.
So First off on the top of my list is my husband well my future that is .....
Andre 3000, this man is super talented & just look at that smile, that will make all my worries better!! That is just a lot of HAWTness right there.
Up next should have any debates going on other than the level of HAWTness he got going.......
Nate Parker is a super sexy actor & husband!! So hands off HAWTies but we can still look
This next guy can steal me anytime he wants..................
Trey Songz has came a long way from the little teen with french braids, he has transformed into a bottle of pure HAWTness, i have no words really I just wanna be sung to.
Up next is a hip hop icon.........

M E T HOD MAN! yes when I first heard that joint with him& Mary J. that stared my love affair with this ruff neck fella, thugs need love too.
I will sit in detention with this next cat anytime...............
Yes C Breezy, yes he has had his downfalls but he is a young man that has to experience life & learn so I'm not knocking him (until the ish happens again, I'm sure it wont) I normally don't go for the light skinned but this one can get a pass, PLUS I'm digging the rapper side of him.
I wish I stayed in the same neighborhood as this next HAWTie...............
IDK why Eva let this man go, geez am I the only one that wanted him to pull those tighty whiteys down just a little more LOL yea you see it no need to talk about it we all can see it!!!
Dark Chocolate coming up next.............
Don Cheadle, When I first seen him play Mouse in "Devil in a blue dress" I was like this fool is crazy but sho nuff HAWT, not only he is very handsome but his acting is what makes him sexy. If you ain't seen that movie then i suggest you do
Go old faithful......................
Denzel, you cannot have a sexy list without this man right here from the look to the acting all around HAWTness.
This next one can use Wire to tie me up.............
Idris Elba, Jesus took the wheel & blessed the ladies eyes with this beautiful creature..... got hit the Linda Evans on this man DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!!!
OKAY I'm with get fly with this next one every time..............
Wiz Khalifa, the new age stoner hippie & i think its HAWT as hell, I'm not one who loves tatts but I likes his style swag Or whatever you wanna call it it freaking HAWT.
OKAY there are plenty more that I can put on this list but I wanna do an official list later on this year & i would like your help on who should be on this list & what qualifies them as being SEXY!! So type to me HAWTies & tell me what you think
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