Thursday, January 26, 2012

zipper dress HAWT or NAWT?

Hey HAWTies Hey,

Check out this HAWY number I found through one of my manys searchs for a new dress for my closet, You can never ownto many dresses! But this one has many beat, hands down......

This convertible dress design by Sebastian Errazuriz is nothing but pure HAWTness. The wearer can simply zip and unzip along any of the horizontal zipper lines to convert their clothing in a matter of seconds.

What is great about this dress is that you have unlimited amount of different styles you can wear. It can quickly go from elegant to sexy, a full-length, single-piece dress one could potentially wear to work  or turn into a skimpy, short-cut, two-piece number. Watch out Bikinis you may have some competition.

Now I know were all thinkn' in our heads how we can style to our own look & where were going in it. But really if you really think about it, how long can you have a bunch of cold XYZ's all over you & how about sitting on them thangz?  Or one of your many stalkers (okay maybe not so much, but those guys that drool over you, or break thier necks as you past!...THOSE) can walk by & unzip one of the many zippers & leave you exsposed to the elements.......of their eyes!!! But even with all of that I still would wear this dress. Its innovating, stylish & just plain outta the box designing.

[polldaddy poll=5867058]

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